> news & events > How can you manage the image others have of you?
How can you manage the image others have of you?

How can you manage the image others have of you?

At the time of taking on a new position, and especially an executive one, you have probably already been astonished by the assumptions that your interlocutors may have had about you. Sometimes, even the gaze of the people you already know can change in a disconcerting way!

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau recounts this phenomenon and the way in which he dealt with it, with accents of sincerity that are rare in politics. His maturity on the subject comes from a very particular childhood, as his father was himself Prime Minister at the time. He thus quickly discovered that a child in his class could tell him from the very first meeting that they did not like him because, in their family, no one voted for Pierre Elliott Trudeau—and that, during his father’s meetings, he was acclaimed by a crowd that knew nothing about him… He thus realized at a precocious age that others would have preconceived ideas about him, no matter what he did—and had to learn to detach himself from this.

Having himself risen to the highest office, he retained this reflex of always questioning the image that others reflected back of him. What elements, well-founded and constructive, should be retained from criticisms? And what should be believed from the praise? A permanent effort to remain clear-headed, which will inspire anyone taking on new responsibilities.

Source : Leadership lessons from the prime minister of Canada, interview of Justin Trudeau by Adam Grant, TED, May 2024.


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