> news & events > Working with the board of directors: a challenge for CEOs
Working with the board of directors: a challenge for CEOs

Working with the board of directors: a challenge for CEOs

A study by the McKinsey Center for CEO Excellence estimates that 45% of a company’s performance can be attributed to the CEO’s influence. Hence the importance of evaluating the performance of those who hold this position.

The study drew on a self-assessment questionnaire, to establish the strengths and shortcomings perceived by the CEOs themselves. One area for improvement is clearly identified by the vast majority of them: interactions with their board of directors. Only 30% of the surveyed CEOs consider their board of directors to be effective! Relations with directors are good, but the CEOs struggle to take advantage of their individual skills. Their added value is often restricted to financial considerations and market relations. But directors can provide valuable assistance on strategic or operational questions. All that is required is knowing how to ask them.

An invitation to accompany CEOs, from the moment they take up their role, to broaden their perception of this governance body’s strategic value.

Source : CEO excellence: How do leaders assess their own performance?, Gautam Kumra, Joydeep Sengupta, Mukund Sridhar, McKinsey & Company, February 2024.


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