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Women and leadership
many have expressed surprise at the apparent lack of enthusiasm from potential female candidates. Why do so few volunteers put themselves forward?
A study by the University of Michigan has highlighted a paradox: women recognize themselves far less than men in the designation of “leader”. And yet, several studies have underlined the fact that women outperform men in a majority of key leadership competencies: personal development, integrity, initiative-taking, collaboration, team mobilization, change management, etc.
How can this shortage of female applicants be remedied? The authors recommend refraining from using the overly loaded term “leader” in recruitment campaigns, and instead focusing on the attributes of leadership and the behaviors that characterize it. Indeed, their study reveals that women prefer to describe themselves as demonstrating commitment, dynamism, intelligence or sensitivity, rather than leadership. An approach that ultimately results in finding the same qualities among potential candidates, regardless of their gender.
Source: When Qualified Women Resist the Leader Label, Julia Lee Cunningham, Sue Ashford, Laura Sonday, MIT Sloan Management Review, November 2024.