
Online communities: How can we develop their value?
Employee, customer or expert communities are a real asset for companies. However, for them to succeed, the organization must involve itself—to a certain extent. How can we create the conditions for such a dynamic?

Break down organizational silos
“Siloed” organizations, which used to be highly effective, prove less relevant in today’s complex environments. How can we avoid the downside of an organizational model in which we had previously found so many qualities?

Encourage cooperation
Cooperation between teams is a key driver of agility, but it is not easy to establish. How can we create the conditions to get people to want to invest in the collective game?

Disseminating your best practices
How to spread a technique that has proven successful locally to the entire organization? This can be learned from the example of companies that have successfully disseminated their know-how.

Foster cooperation across organizational boundaries
Rather than a question of ill will or indiscipline, lack of cooperation is often a result of the need for belonging that governs our interpersonal relationships. How can we take this into account to boost collaboration?

Foster collaboration within your leadership team
An executive committee’s ability to work as a team has a major impact on a company’s performance. What key drivers can be used to break down silos in the leadership team?

Cultivate social networks
Networking is an effective driver to break down organizational silos. How to build your own network and encourage your subordinates to do so as well?

Uniting your executive committee
The members of an executive committee must simultaneously position themselves as defenders of the collective interest and defenders of the issues associated with their specific roles. How can we integrate the diversity of visions in a constructive way?