Performance Management

Liberate initiative taking
To be able to take initiatives, you must enjoy an environment favorable to risk taking. How can you develop a climate of psychological safety, a true key to the performance of teams and organizations?

Disseminating your best practices
How to spread a technique that has proven successful locally to the entire organization? This can be learned from the example of companies that have successfully disseminated their know-how.

Boosting efficiency: new opportunities to explore
Is it still possible to gain in efficiency when everything has already been tried? In a complex environment where traditional methods prove counterproductive, other drivers must be found.

The essence of management
Managers are responsible for results which they don't produce themselves. They actually depend on their subordinates. How can they optimize the performance of their teams?

Foster your staff’s self-fulfillment
In theory, work represents a major opportunity for personal fulfillment—but the reality is often less gratifying. How can the line manager contribute to helping to rekindle this fulfilling dimension of work?

Boost the involvement of your teams
Teamwork is not always a guarantee of effectiveness. Yet there are companies where the team members pull each other towards the top. How can you use these experiences to develop teams that are deeply involved and in search of excellence?

Managers as motivation facilitators
Motivating employees is an arduous task, particularly since people cannot be motivated against their will. So, how can you help your team members be proactive in finding their own intrinsic motivators?