The Well-Timed Strategy

How can companies take advantage of the successive cycles of economic expansion and contraction?
Author(s): Peter Navarro
Publisher: Wharton School Publishing
Date of publication: 2006
Manageris opinion
In this book, the author explores how companies can take advantage of the successive cycles of economic expansion and contraction to gain a competitive edge. He covers six key areas in six different chapters, e.g. risk management policy, growth through M&A, human resources, etc.
We particularly recommend Chapter 2 on investment policy management. This chapter presents an original point of view and provides concrete suggestions on how to avoid ceding to the siren’s song of the short term. The author underlines the virtues of an investment policy that goes against the current of economic cycles, which wise companies can use to more effectively prepare for the future and anticipate potential problems. The concrete, detailed examples, particularly those concerning DuPont and Intel, make this chapter all the more interesting.