The Upside of Uncertainty

Giving ourselves the means to successfully face uncertainty.
Author(s): Nathan Furr, Susannah Harmon Furr
Publisher: Harvard Business Review Press
Date of publication: 2022
Manageris opinion
In the face of uncertainty and the unknown, we naturally feel a blend of anxiety and confusion… And yet, every one of our major accomplishments required that we accept facing uncertainty. What if we changed the way we look at uncertainty, to also consider it as a welcome opportunity to disrupt our routines and explore new possibilities? This is what Susannah Harmon Furr, an entrepreneur, and Nathan Furr, a professor at INSEAD, propose in this book written on the basis of their meetings and interviews with those who thrive in uncertain situations, or even provoke them intentionally: serial entrepreneurs, innovators, scientists, artists… From these interviews and research emerge a vast wealth of tools and methods to feel better equipped to navigate uncertainty, and to confidently introduce a certain amount of risk into one’s professional or personal life. How can we reformulate an uncertain situation to better detect the opportunities hidden within? How can we confront doubt, an unavoidable factor when we agree to embark on any adventure with an unknown outcome? How can we learn quickly in a context in which we lack any reference points? All questions answered in this complete and well-documented work.