The Power of Pause

How to regain control over your time by learning to take breaks?
Author(s): Nance Guilmartin
Publisher: Jossey-Bass
Date of publication: 2010
Manageris opinion
Have you ever had the feeling that everything was moving too fast? That you were no longer in control of your decisions? That you were overwhelmed by constant change and ceaseless requests which were destroying your efficiency? There is no shame in that, explains Nance Guilmartin—it happens to the best of us! Even so, we can regain control over our time. Based on feedback from many professionals who have broken this vicious spiral, the author of "The Power of Pause" shows that part of their secret lies in their ability to take breaks. This doesn’t mean slackening the pace at work—which would be a pipe dream in many cases—but rather learning to take breaks—even very briefly—in order to regain control over your decisions and actions. The book is filled with many real-life anecdotes and examples serving as practical illustrations to help managers gain a better understanding of the various forms that these pauses can take. For example, managers are advised to take a deep breath before starting each new task to eliminate the impression of a frenetic sequence. Or deliberately mentally distance themselves from the heat of the action to ask, "What is happening? What is not happening that should be happening?"
A subtle and effective book.