The Imperfectionists

The Imperfectionists

Facing a volative and complex environment by proceeding by trial and error rather that looking for perfection.

Author(s): Robert McLean, Charles Conn

Publisher: Wiley

Date of publication: 2023

Manageris opinion

Practically all economic sectors are experiencing high volatility and complex challenges. In this context, companies such as Amazon and SpaceX are thriving by adopting a mindset the authors call “imperfectionism”. These companies realize that the quest for certainty and perfection, while attractive, can quickly paralyze initiative and prevent competitive opportunities. This book describes how “imperfectionists” manage risk, proceeding by trial and error to progressively refine their understanding of the areas they venture into. The authors offer six key attitudes and practices at the heart of this approach. They examine, for example, how to avoid becoming trapped by false certainties derived from historical data with little predictive power for the future, or how to multiply perspectives to enrich your development scenarios. A thorough and highly instructive work.