The Eureka Factor

How do "Enreka moments" occur, and how can we manage to facilitate them?
Author(s): John Kounios, Mark Beeman
Publisher: Random House
Date of publication: 2015
Manageris opinion
“Eureka moments” are those dazzling moments when, after long being stuck on a problem, a new solution suddenly comes to us and seems obvious. We feel we have reached an impasse, and then the answer dawns on us when we least expect it.
The first part of the book explains how these insights occur. We often have them after taking a break or doing something that slackens our attention, such as taking a walk, a nap, or a shower. These intuitions seem to come out of the blue, but cerebral imagery shows that Eureka moments are triggered by the sudden activation of the right hemisphere of the brain, the one which governs the association of ideas. It’s because we have accumulated a lot of knowledge and have thought long and hard about the problem with which we’re struggling that the right hemisphere of our brain can put it all into a new light. Without our being aware of it, it recombines our knowledge to provide creative answers.
The second part of the book makes recommendations to facilitate these Eureka moments. A subtle balance must be struck between working hard to collect information and letting go to allow the right hemisphere of the brain to operate uncensored. It’s when you feel blocked that you should change settings, do something else, and foster a positive atmosphere. Keep a notebook handy to note down your intuitions when they occur, because they may be very fleeting!
Firmly supported by neuroscience and experimentation, the authors undertake a fascinating analysis of the phenomenon of intuition. They cite examples from great scientists, creative individuals and various people confronted with association-of-ideas tests. This book is of great scientific and practical interest.