The Courage to Act

A very useful book to develop your personal courage, as well as that of those around you.
Author(s): Merom Klein, Rod Napier
Publisher: Davies-Black Publishing
Date of publication: 2003
Manageris opinion
Most books dealing with the question of courage in the business world fall into two main categories, i.e. “philosophical” books that sing the virtues of courage and exhort leaders to show more of it, and self-help books that offer many suggestions on how to develop your self-confidence and ability to take action on a day-to-day basis.
This book is original in its attempt to reconcile these two approaches. Its main quality lies in the thorough analysis of the dilemmas that can be created when exercising courage in the business world. Far from just encouraging leaders to show more “courage,” a concept that is often abstract, the authors delve deeper into the question by studying the various forms of courage needed. This approach makes it easier to appropriate the notion of courage and understand how to translate it into everyday life. The proposed advice for taking action is also based on real business experience, and therefore easily transferable.
This is an excellent starting point to develop your personal courage, as well as that of those around you.