The CEO Test

The seven biggest challenges that corporate leaders must face day after day.
Author(s): Adam Bryant, Kevin Sharer
Publisher: Harvard Business Review Press
Date of publication: 2021
Manageris opinion
In this enlightening and practical guide, Adam Bryant, a former journalist for the New York Times, and Kevin Sharer, the former CEO of Amgen, collect the testimonies of hundreds of chief executives, from Satya Nadella (Microsoft) to Bob Iger (Disney). Their objective: to highlight the seven biggest challenges that corporate leaders must face day after day. Formulating a clear strategy, assembling a cohesive and collaborative management team, leading a transformation, knowing how to listen, getting through a crisis, etc.: to each of these challenges, they bring the wealth of experience of today’s great leaders. The diversity of the testimonies, as well as their transparency, since the leaders open up about their challenges and learnings, make this book both entertaining and enriching.
A useful book for any professional wanting to prepare for positions of great responsibility and to pass the ultimate test: that of taking on primary responsibility for their organization.