The Art of Being Indispensable at Work
How to extend your influence by being helpful to the right people.
Author(s): Bruce Tulgan
Publisher: Harvard Business Review Press
Date of publication: 2020
Manageris opinion
We all know individuals, in the companies where we work, who seem like they cannot be ignored. They are competent, reliable, helpful, and it is quite naturally towards them that we turn when we need a piece of advice or one-off help on a project. At a time when collaboration has become the motto in business organizations, and when hierarchical lines are dotted, knowing how to be useful to the right people is a valuable asset. But how can you juggle between your own priorities and the numerous requests for help from colleagues and staff? In eight concise chapters, the author provides practical advice: extending your influence through mutual support, selecting the projects in which you want to get involved, keeping control over your time and energy and, finally, nurturing the reputation of being a person that matters—and on whom one can count.
A pleasant read that will make sense for business leaders, managers and field staff.