The Apple Experience

The best practices implemented in Apple Stores to create an outstanding customer experience.
Author(s): Carmine Gallo
Publisher: McGraw-Hill
Date of publication: 2012
Manageris opinion
The example of Apple Stores may seem remote and difficult to reproduce, because it is so highly specific. But the author takes great pains to model these best practices to make them more easily transferable to other industries.
He shows that the customer experience customer at an Apple Store begins to unfold right from the time employees are hired. This experience also depends on details that may seem trivial, such as the absence of fingerprints in stores where everything is designed to encourage customers to touch!
The example of Apple also encourages companies to challenge managerial practices that once seemed obvious, such as using variable compensation as an incentive. Paradoxically, Apple salespeople are not commissioned on sales. They are consequently truly focused on customer needs rather than the desire to conclude a sale at any cost—which proves much more effective!
An enthralling, well-documented book, supplemented with examples from other companies reputed for their quality of service.