Rituals for Virtual Meetings

Combining conventional and innovative approaches to organize more efficient and motivating meetings.
Author(s): Kursat Ozenc, Glenn Fajardo
Publisher: Wiley
Date of publication: 2021
Manageris opinion
The difficulty to organize meetings that are perceived as efficient and motivating does not only date back to the pandemic, nor to generalized remote work. Yet, why not transform these constraints into an opportunity by rethinking the objective and the conduct of our meetings? Rather than transposing our existing practices online, let’s take the opportunity to radically innovate.
The two authors of this book list the rituals and experimentations destined to make our virtual meetings more inspiring and more federating. They help the reader prepare meetings by mobilizing narrative techniques from the cinema world, which facilitate the immersion and memorization for the participants. They also propose exercises to break the ice and enable everyone to be fully present in the meeting, mentally and emotionally.
The readers will pick up ideas along, according to their needs and affinities with the authors’ approach. Some of these ideas are rather conventional, others more innovative.