Que vaut une idée ? (in french)

How the intangible economy questions the rules of our economic landscape.
Author(s): Marc Halévy
Publisher: Edipro
Date of publication: 2009
Manageris opinion
In this book, Marc Halévy shows how the intangible economy is making us completely lose our bearings. He starts by describing the foundations of the traditional tangible economy – particularly the notions of scarcity and property, upon which all of our current competitive mechanisms are based – and explores their relevance to the intangible economy. For example, what becomes of the competitive game rules when the value of an idea is no longer linked to its scarcity and appropriation by a few, but rather its broad dissemination? How does one price an idea when its value has little to do with the number of hours spent “producing” it? This book does not try to provide all the answers, but rather attempts to stimulate thinking about our traditional points of reference. It is highly relevant in this regard for those who would like to tackle the universe of social networks.