Pourquoi eux ? Les secrets d'une ascension [Why them? The secrets behind a rise]
Beyond preconceptions, what are the factors that determine the success of leaders?
Author(s): Frédéric Marquette
Publisher: Alisio
Date of publication: 2016
Manageris opinion
What lies behind the success of some leaders? What factors explain why, starting their careers with comparable education and training, they reach the top, while others peak at the middle management levels?
The author conducted a survey among current executives and HR directors. From the voluminous feedback collected, he discerns variables which, in retrospect, are perceived as having been differentiating. More than technical skills, it is by far the personal human qualities that appear to be the primary distinguishing factor—in particular the ability to make decisions, courage, and resistance to stress. Motivation and interpersonal qualities come immediately next, followed closely by family support and work-life balance. Finally, professional capabilities and networking strategy appear to be less essential. Throughout the book, the realities of the senior executive role emerge. Readers will thus deduce how to better prepare themselves to exercise these important managerial duties.
A lively book that challenges some common preconceptions.
See also
Joining the leadership team—what are the stakes?
Being appointed to a senior executive position or entering the executive committee sounds like a consecration. But the transition often proves much more difficult than imagined. How can you prepare for this major change?