Pay Attention
Better understand how to satisfy customers by listening to them and putting oneself in their place.
Author(s): Ann Thomas, Jill Applegate
Publisher: Wiley
Date of publication: 2010
Manageris opinion
The ability to learn from customer feedback seems increasingly essential and is also facilitated by modern technology. The authors explore the opportunities created by online media in particular. But they don't stop there; they also invite companies to listen carefully - listen and put themselves in the customer's shoes. How can you be more attentive to the customer's signals? How can you decipher the customer's objections and impatience? How can you be more attentive to the customer's moods? All these essential components of the experience perceived by the customer determine that customer's level of satisfaction. This practical book is full of common sense.
See also
Ensure consistently high-quality customer interactions
The quality of the perceived customer experience depends heavily on the interaction of the customer with a given employee in the field. How to build a collective sense of quality of service in your organization?