Management et communication interculturels

An overview of the theories in intercultural management and their practical applications.
Author(s): Dominique Rey
Publisher: Afnor
Date of publication: 2016
Manageris opinion
What do we call “cultural differences”? How do they appear? How do they influence the various aspects of our life in the society, including in our professional environment? This book reviews the latest theories in intercultural management. It describes the differences that exist between national cultures, using examples. It decodes their consequences at work, from the goofiest misunderstanding to the most explosive situations. The fifth section of the book is particularly interesting: it reviews the main current management models in western organizations?participative management, project-mode work, management by risk, etc.?and shows how those models can, in some cultures, meet with hindrance or opposition.
The book’s tone is very academic, but its contents are very useful and actionable by managers who operate in a multicultural context.