Magic Words

How the recent advances in linguistics make it possible, through a precise measurement of the effects of every word, to radically improve message effectiveness.
Author(s): Jonah Berger
Publisher: HarperCollins
Date of publication: 2023
Manageris opinion
A Professor of Marketing at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, the author outlines the recent advances brought by linguistics to communication techniques. A discipline revolutionized by the automatic processing of languages: thanks to Big Data and artificial intelligence tools, we can now measure the concrete effects of every last word. And the results are astonishing: minute variations—replacing a word with a synonym, favoring a given expression, etc.—can radically improve a message’s effect. After working on a rich and diverse language corpus—press articles, executive speeches, lawyers’ pleadings, readers’ and moviegoers’ reviews, transcripts of first dates, etc.—the author details six categories of words that make the difference in empowering interlocutors, expressing assertiveness, emotions, one’s similarities or differences, etc. The recommendations are bolstered by explanations of the underlying psychological mechanisms, as well as the research that has enabled their identification. A fascinating and instructive book.
See also

The unsuspected power of words
Although we often wield words without really paying attention to them, we can also deploy them in a more deliberate manner. How can we lean on recent advances in the field of linguistics to use the keywords that have the ability to open doors?