Les sept règles du storytelling (in french)
The seven golden rules to become an incomparable storyteller.
Author(s): John Sadowsky, Loïck Roche
Publisher: Pearson
Date of publication: 2009
Manageris opinion
An excellent how-to manual, based on the leadership coaching experience of the authors, this book starts from the conviction that anyone, and particularly any leader, can and should develop his or her storytelling skills. The argument is well put in the first part, and “sold” with stories (Dell, Apple) which will surely inspire you and make you want to read the rest. This is followed by seven golden rules, each of which has its own dedicated chapter, to turn you into a good storyteller even if you aren’t a natural at it. Some important points to keep in mind: Start with some introspection to identify stories that “resemble” you and inspire trust in you