Leadership Blindspots

How can we detect the blind spots that may lead to involuntary blindness?
Author(s): Robert Bruce Shaw
Publisher: Jossey-Bass
Date of publication: 2014
Manageris opinion
We all have our “blind spots.” For example, our optimism leads us to identify opportunities in any situation and is an invaluable ally to rebound from adversity. But it can also cause us to underestimate certain threats and put us in danger. In the same way, many leaders are driven by strong convictions, based on their experience of numerous successes and achievements throughout their professional life. But this self-confidence can also make them less open to divergent opinions and may consequently keep them from fully grasping certain shifts in the market. Using many examples, the author shows how our greatest strengths are often also the source of our greatest weaknesses. He warns us against the risk of involuntary blindness that may befall any leader—particularly the most effective—and provides invaluable tips to learn how to detect your own blind spots. A thorough and practical book, to read without moderation!