Le fait religieux dans l'entreprise
A review of the rise of the religious fact in the professional sphere and of the related regulation in France.
Author(s): Coordinated by Virginie Renaux-Personnic and Joël Colonna
Publisher: Presses Universitaires d’Aix-Marseille
Date of publication: 2018
Manageris opinion
[The religious in business]
More and more companies are facing religious demands. This is illustrated by the increasing number of disputes, for example about wearing outfits of a religious nature?Muslim headscarf, Sikh turban, Jewish kippa…?, about requests for days off because of religious celebrations, as well as specific demands linked to religious practice?refusal of co-gender teams, refusal to perform certain tasks, etc. This rise of religion in the business world raises numerous questions. What are the staff’s rights? What limits can be imposed on the expression of religious opinions or demands in the work situation? The border between refocusing an employee on the rules that must apply and holding a discriminating posture is sometimes blurred. This collective work provides a review on the laws and the jurisprudence in France. Resolutely pragmatic, it also contains at the end the Guide du fait religieux dans les entreprises privées [Guide for religious matters in private business organizations] developed by the French government in partnership with employers' organizations and trade unions. This guide recalls the main situations that HR teams and managers are confronted to in the field, and brings clear and pragmatic responses.