La mémoire est un jeu

How to develop memory by relying on the cognitive abilities that underline it.
Author(s): Sébastien Martinez
Publisher: Premier Parallèle
Date of publication: 2018
Manageris opinion
[Memory is a game]
We often, and wrongly, reduce memory to the sole capability of remembering information. In fact, to function correctly, memory mobilizes many other aptitudes. Upstream for example, memorization demands that we focus our attention on the relevant information, but also that we capture all its dimensions, including emotional and sensorial ones. It then requires, during the anchoring process, imaginative capabilities—to create striking associations that help to remember the information—and a critical outlook—to identify what we have not memorized and adjust accordingly. Sébastien Martinez thus analyzes the cognitive abilities that underline memory. He identifies four distinct ones: the attention; the sharpness of the perceptions that impregnate our memory; the imagination; and the self-observation, thanks to which we can progress. He then proposes numerous exercises to strengthen each of these abilities.
A simple, concrete and enriching book.
See also

A more powerful memory
Having a good memory is an undeniable advantage; it helps reinforce influence, and attract credibility and respect. Luckily, memory is not an innate capability: with some technique, you can train it. How can you develop your memory?