Fail Better
How can you capitalize on your failures to better prepare your future successes?
Author(s): Anjali Sastry, Kara Penn
Publisher: Harvard Business Review Press
Date of publication: 2014
Manageris opinion
We naturally have the reflex to want to avoid failure. This is an illusion, however, because failure is an integral part of the life of any project. More importantly, it can actually be quite beneficial! The author hence recommends being ready to take advantage of failure, rather than suffering it as a fatality.
By combining methodological rigor and open-mindedness, it is possible to make failure productive, i.e., to use it to test hypotheses, learn from experience and discover unexpected solutions. For example, one venture capitalist decided to adopt the discipline of noting down the decisions he makes every day, his underlying hypotheses and the data available to him at the time. With the benefit of hindsight, he can then look back on his choices, analyze the correctness of his decisions, and draw constructive lessons for later investments. In this way, he has been able to improve his decision-making process in an arena where failure is omnipresent.
A precise book that takes you through each phase of a project, to demonstrate how to turn failures into opportunities to get closer to reaching your objectives!