Effective Apology

The theoretical basis for the art of apology, as well as many concrete tips on how to make efficient everyday apologies.
Author(s): John Kador
Publisher: Berrett - Koehler
Date of publication: 2009
Manageris opinion
In an era when information is propagated in an instant over the Internet and people expect more and more from companies in terms of social and environmental responsibility, Effective Apology underlines the importance of the ability to apologize. This rare skill, asserts the author, is extremely powerful for those who know how to use it judiciously. Anyone can develop this ability, by learning what is or isn’t a good apology and following certain rules. This book poses the theoretical basis for the art of apology, but also provides many concrete tips, illustrated by examples, on how to make efficient everyday apologies. For example, you will learn that apologies should be made more or less quickly depending on the seriousness of the situation. The less serious the incident, the faster the apology should be made, while for more serious offenses, the tension should first be allowed to dissipate to a point where the offended party is able to hear the apology. Another suggestion is not letting those who are offended give their absolution too easily, by saying things like “OK, fine. Let’s drop it.” Fully apologizing and even repeating the apology if necessary is a pledge of sincerity. This subtle book is full of good common sense on a very sensitive subject!