Diriger sans imposer (in french)

A highly practical description of how to start managing by results.
Author(s): Filip Vandendriessche
Publisher: Editions Eyrolles
Date of publication: 2007
Manageris opinion
For Filip Vandendriessche, the fine art of management consists largely in finding the right balance between delegation and control, and between giving orders and affording subordinates a degree of freedom. To accomplish this, Vandendriessche recommends carefully differentiating between management by results—in which managers provide direction but allow subordinates the freedom to choose how to accomplish the objective—and management by solutions—where managers also dictate the path to follow. He then provides a highly practical description of how to start managing by results, and, in particular, how to translate the company mission and vision into verifiable criteria to manage, motivate and evaluate subordinates more effectively. This is a book that is both operational and intelligent.