Demystifying Disability

With her tertimony, Emily Ladau invites us to overcome our preconceptions about people with disabilities.
Author(s): Emily Ladau
Publisher: Ten Speed Press
Date of publication: 2021
Manageris opinion
Emily Ladau has several physical and mental disabilities. She was born with Larsen syndrome, a bone disorder that forces her to live in a wheelchair and degrades her auditory abilities. Her testimony aims to enlighten able-bodied people about the experience of disability, in all its plurality and nuance. The author thus offers a delicate perspective on the barriers and misunderstandings she faces in her daily life. Without moralizing, she simply invites the reader to listen to people with disabilities without preconceptions. Her account shows how every experience of disability is unique, how each person affected by one may have specific expectations of their work colleagues: the need for support for this one; conversely, the need to be treated like everyone else for this other. An invaluable testimonial to defuse apprehensions and clumsiness.