Defining Moments
Prepare to properly adress the ethical dilemmas every manager has to face.
Author(s): Joseph L. Badaracco
Publisher: Harvard Business Review Press
Date of publication: 2016
Manageris opinion
This work addresses a complex topic: the resolution of ethical dilemma that managers are confronted with. Indeed, the reality is often more complex than a simple choice between doing what is just or giving in to an immoral temptation: we must sometimes chose between two antagonistic options, each of which is morally justified. The author proposes a guide to think the matter through, inspired by the work of philosophers, to help everyone make their own choices.
This updated new edition of one of Joseph Badaracco’s best-sellers deserves to be read again, 20 years after its first release, in light of the major transformations that the world has experienced during these past years.