Alice au pays des projets

Valuable tips to manage projects involving multicultural teams.
Author(s): Robert de Quelen, David Colliquet
Publisher: Afnor
Date of publication: 2017
Manageris opinion
[Alice in Projectland]
This book addresses project management in multicultural teams. We follow the tribulations of Alice, a fictitious project manager. Alice leads the project “Mission to Mars”: designing and sending a robot to explore the red planet. This project entails the cooperation of a hundred or so companies of all sizes, located in Europe as well as in the United States and Japan. “Mission to Mars” is representative of large complex projects: scattered teams, staff members who do not share the same standards, the same languages and working tools, etc. Cherry on the cake: as soon as difficulties appear, national touchiness makes things even more difficult. It aggravates misunderstandings; it leads to petty accusations. The story focuses our attention on the main issues in multinational projects, with humor and precision. A source of inspiration to anticipate these issues, defuse tensions and overcome them.
This book can be read like a novel, while finding in it valuable advice and judicious warnings.