Activer l'économie circulaire

How some companies managed to rethink their offering and their operating modes to fit into a more sustainable business model.
Author(s): Nicolas Buttin, Brieuc Saffré
Publisher: Eyrolles
Date of publication: 2016
Manageris opinion
[Activating the circular economy]
Having a total rethink of our products and operating modes in order to enter a more sustainable economic model? Numerous examples show it is possible, provided we are ready to radically innovate. This book lists multiple examples of companies that thus reinvented themselves.
Examples range from Michelin, which now commercializes its tires as a service rather than a product, to Barilla, the pasta manufacturer, which entered into a partnership with papermaker Favini to invent an unprecedented industrial symbiosis. We thus discover a world of ingenuity: the French company Qarnot Computing, which produces computer servers that also function as radiators; or yet, the American company Calera, which proposes construction materials that cleanse the air, arresting and storing CO2!
A book that provides optimism on our collective capabilities to resolve the environmental crisis—and that encourages us to participate in this challenge!
See also

Evolving towards circular economy
“Extract – produce – dispose”: against this linear economic model, nowadays reaching its limits, a new model is emerging. Circular, it aims at minimizing, regenerating and recycling resources. Why and how to initiate this transition?