Why Companies Should Help Every Employee Chart a Career Path

Why Companies Should Help Every Employee Chart a Career Path

Giving all employees equal access to tools and advice for professional development. 

Author(s): George Westerman, Abbie Lundberg

Publisher: MIT Sloan Management Review

Date of publication: 2023

Read this article on the publisher's website [MIT Sloan]


Responsibility for professional development is increasingly being handed back to the employee, who is invited to be “proactive”, and to their local manager, now responsible for supporting the employee’s efforts. While their commitment is of course essential, it is insufficient to compensate for what the authors of this article describe as a fundamental injustice: not every employee benefits from the right advice at the right stage of their career path. And experts in particular are too often left by the wayside, according to the results of a study conducted by the MIT Sloan Management Review. As a result, they make slower progress, on average, than managers and executives. Thus the importance of an overall approach ensuring all employees’ access to coaching, feedback and training recommendations enabling them to evolve. In this respect, the article cites inspiring initiatives implemented by Unilever, UBS, Allianz, Schneider Electric, etc.