Intégrer l’entreprise dans les limites planétaires – Retours d’expérience sur les méthodologies SBTN et CARE

A comparative analysis of two methods used by companies to manage their impact on biodiversity.
Publisher: Lab Capital Naturel
Date of publication: 2022
Read this article on the publisher's website [Lab Capital Naturel]
(Integrating the company within planetary limits—Experiential feedback on the SBTN and CARE methodologies)
The Lab Capital Naturel is a joint initiative of WWF France and the Chaire Comptabilité Écologique (Ecological Accounting Chair) aimed at valorizing and preserving natural capital. It brings together companies, NGOs, business schools and universities committed to “strong sustainability”, meaning the safeguarding of nature independently from technological developments, in the belief that human innovation alone cannot be enough to compensate for certain environmental degradations. The Lab has looked at what pioneering companies can teach us about measuring and controlling our impact on biodiversity. In particular, it analyzes and compares two methods: the SBTN approach—used by Bel, Alpro, Michelin and Carrefour—and the CARE approach—also used by Carrefour, as well as LVMH, GRDF and Groupe Rocher.
This article is one of the sources used in Manageris’ synopses:

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