Getting more from your training programs

How to turn training programs towards the development of performance?
Author(s): Aaron DeSmet, Monica McGurk, Elizabeth Schwartz
Publisher: McKinsey Quarterly
Date of publication: 2010
Read this article on the publisher's website [McKinsey Quarterly]
Do you know the ROI of your training programs? Probably not, if we are to believe a recent McKinsey study which suggests that very few companies closely track the performance impact of training, despite the colossal amounts spent on these programs, and that most leaders are skeptical about their impact.
Given this state of affairs, it would not be hard to point the finger at training instructors. However, underline the authors, this would be a mistake. Rather than training program content, it is the surrounding context that makes the difference. The frame of mind in which the participants approach training and the attitude of company leaders and local managers before and after the event are particularly decisive in facilitating the application of new skills.
This article expands the framework within which training programs are generally considered and refreshingly reminds us that the main objective is to improve performance.
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