Disability as a Source of Competitive Advantage

Regarding the integration of people with disabilities as a performance factor for a company.
Author(s): Luisa Alemany, Freek Vermeulen
Publisher: Harvard Business Review
Date of publication: 2023
Read this article on the publisher's website [Harvard Business Review]
What if the integration of people with disabilities was not only a matter of fairness, but also, sometimes, a performance factor? For the authors, it is first and foremost a question of adopting the same approach to these employees’ particularity as to any other form of diversity—in other words, of identifying how their difference can be a strength in some cases, and how their integration can benefit the company as a whole. The article mentions many examples of companies that lean on the strengths associated with certain disabilities: concentration, creativity, stamina, etc. A different angle on the issue of disability in the corporate world.
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